Our blob amongst many other blobs

The Latest Chapter in the Cosmic Drama



Somewhere two new parents, holding themselves and their new child, their minds tormented by the thoughts of uncertain futures, feel such confused joy over their newborn child.

At the same time, a heartbroken and angry son mourns the loss of a father and a leader of a family, who might’ve helped steer them through these unchartered waters.

People all around us are losing their livelihoods, their lives, and the ones they love most. Yet beautifully, people all around us are doing what they can, sometimes placing themselves in harms way, in supporting and taking loving-care of this beautiful human family of ours.

Things are a little bit silly at the best of times, right now, the human family is going through something huge, and the worst and best of it will likely not be known to all, but you should all know that doing your part, however small, for the people that make up this big family of ours, at this as crucial time as any, is the most valuable thing for you to be doing today.

You should also know that this is really new terrain for all of us, and the way you’re feeling and acting is probably perfect and natural given the current circumstances. No one has been here before so it’s hard to say, but I’d say you’re doing just okay and thats okay too. Everything is changed and will continue to change.

This life is a blessing, tragically beautiful in its ability to make us never want to lose the ones we love and the life we had. The future will always be an uncertain horizon, but we can be sure that its from the same horizon that we and all our ancestors have always watched the same joyful sun always rise. We wake up today to be better than we were yesterday, and to remember that nobody has the foggiest any of the time, ever, and we all just get to be here together for what little time we have, here and now.

Be kind to yourselves and others, and be gentle in acknowledging that this is a difficult time for many, but we as a human family can stand in solidarity to do our bit for our ‘in their own little world’(that’s all of us and you and me) roommates on this big green and blue blob in the middle of fuck knows where spinning at millions of miles an hour through fuck knows what.

Big love to all


